One of the contestants of Russian reality TV show Dom 2 (based on the concept of young contestants living in the same manor) outwrestles her weak but aggressive boyfriend twice in an emotional confrontation. The two conflicts that are presented in the video took place in a period of 10 days, in July, 2015.
The first fight is private, takes place in the couple’s bedroom and escalates quickly, as Venceslav (Венцеслав) tries to make a point by getting physically aggressive with Diana (Диана). A fight ensues, where not only he gets manhandled by his girlfriend, but she also almost succeeds in tying his hands up. At the end of the segment, while she is still mounting her exhausted boyfriend, she tells him that he cannot talk like a man, act like a man, or even fight like a man (he was trying to bite her), and asks him whether there is anything he can do like a man.
The second time around they fight publicly in front of other tenants of the House. The conflict starts when he calls her a slut for being a stripper, and they shout at each other. Once he gets physical by trying to overthrow the table, she jumps onto him and the two struggle in the middle of the living room, until Diana succeeds in pinning him down on the sofa, immobilizing his hands with her legs. The bystanders, especially one of the other female contestants of the House, are amused by this.
This took place on Russian TV and was viewed by millions of Russians. This is the most popular reality TV show in Russia that has been on the air for more than 10 years.
These two might have future fights, so don’t forget to check back for more mixed wrestling domination from mainstream media. In order to get updated about new videos, please subscribe to us through the form on the right sidebar.
Диана поборола, заломала и связала Венца.